
Monday, February 19, 2018

MAF Heart Rate Training

After reading the articles regarding MAF training ( and with the hope that I can increase my weekly mileage to around 40km per week without injury, I had decided to following this method of training for 3 month while increasing weekly mileage. By following the formula of 180-age as the max MAF training heart rate, I find it very difficult to run at 140 bpm. With my run of longer than 10 km, it is very difficult to keep below the max MAF heart rate without a walking rest.  A few days before end of my 1st month of trying, I came across another article from StrengthRunning (  So, I have decided to deviate a bit from MAF training recommended by Dr. Maffetone by adding in strides (suggested by at the end of the easy run.

Following is my running using MAF method for 1st month (analyzed using

From above charts, Jan 23 and Jan 25 runs were with wider spread of heart rate due to slightly hilly routes and I was just learning to run by heart rate.  However, starting Feb, it seems that I can control my heart rate throughout the run better.  The higher max heart rate in Jan 30 run was due to hilly route.

For 2nd month, I have decided to modify the MAF to include strides in the training.

Here's my base training plan in the coming month:-

  • Keep the max MAF heart rate as base.
  • Add strides at the end of run with max time of 10%, ie. if I plan a run of 40 mins, I will add in 4 mins of strides.  This to ensure 90% of training time is within max MAF heart rate.
  • Add in strength training and stretches in my weekly schedule!
The training zones on my first run with strides is as below:-

Still able to keep 90% of time within max MAF heart rate with 20s strides (40 steps, ~ 100m) for 5 times.  Will practice the above for 2 runs during weekday and long run during weekend.