1:57:18 was the time I read from my Garmin watch when I reached the HM finish line of 2014 APBIM. This is an amazing time to me. My target for this year APBIM HM was 2:06. However, when I checked the distant from the watch, it only showed 20.06km! More than 1km short from standard HM distant of 21.095km. Yes, that's more likely the case from how I feel during the run.
My friend's Garmin also showed 20.06km on his watch. Other HM runners also commented on this distant of slightly more than 20km only.
However, I stopped several times during this run. I woke up 12:30am and started my hydration plan of drinking 1.5L of water before the run. My last drink was at 1:40am and I went to toilet at 2:30am. After 5~6km of run, I felt like I need to go to toilet again. I hold on to it until I reached the toilet with no queue, which was around 11km.
Another 2 stops was at the beginning due to large group of runners. The stop-walk-run situation continued for around 0.5km. At around 15km, a runner (full marathon I guess) felt in front of me due to muscle clamp. I stopped and stood by him for a couple of seconds until another runner stop to help him.
So, here's how I can do the math. If I continue my last km with the pace of 5:51km, I would have finished the 21.095km in 2:03::21. Minus out all the 3 stoppages which total up to 2:54 mins and I should be less than 30 seconds to achieve the sub-2 in HM. If I improve the walk-run pace from 8min/km to at least 6min/km, I can take, maybe, a minute from there and really meet the sub-2 in my HM time!
After all, I shouldn't just do the math as above because I might have too tired and run with slower pace without all the stoppages!
Anyway, quite a good run and I shall wait to see how the organizer respond to the shorter HM distant!
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