
Saturday, September 26, 2015

2015 APBIM HM Training Journal (8 wk to go)

This weekly (sort of) update can really make me feel the time pressure.  At least, it makes me alert that the race is approaching and I'd better try hard to stick to my training plan.

There are 3 new records for the week that just past.

Firstly, this is the 1st time I tried off road running.  Joining the group training and I jogged on trail road (mostly sand) for around 10km.  I ended the training with around 2km of normal road.  This marks as my slowest run for the last 3 years, ie. with the pace of 7:40 mins/km.  Could it be the slow jog or the trail road, I experienced muscle soreness after the run.  Luckily, the soreness just lasted for  a day for me to be able to run with targeted HM pace 2 days after that.

Secondly, I followed (and modified) Jeff's training plan found in RunKeeper to run 5km at HM pace after the 5km easy run and ended with 2.5km of easy run again.

Thirdly, this is the first week I logged a weekly mileage of 30km (29.9km to be exact) during this 20wk of training plan.

1.  2 glasses of water before the 12.5km run.
2.  1 cup of Yogult (75 kcal) before the run.
3.  1 cup of Yogult (153kcal) after the run.
Overall, I felt satisfactory with the above fueling strategy.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

2015 APBIM HM Training Journal (9 wk to go)

The week before was one of the highest mileage so far, 28.7 km to be exact.  I didn't push myself further as I wanted to maintain around 30 km to let me body adopt to this mileage.

This week (the week that just passed) was supposed to be recovery week, sort of, with lower mileage.  However, I joined a training group which organized a group training at hilly route of Lintang Bukit Jambul.  I wanted to just run 5~6 km initially.  But due to training group and most of the people still running, I ended up running close to 10 km.  Since my pace was slow, I didn't feel that tired even after hiking up the Bukit Jambul Hill after the 10 km run.

I concluded the week with another 10 km race.  As expected, the race was not well organized and very crowded after the merging of 5 km runners together with 10 km running at the final 2+ km.  Anyway, I logged another good 10 km timing of 49:26" (5:14"/km pace) due to flat route!

I kind of able to know how to fuel myself this time as I had ~500ml of water before the run and 1 cup of Yogult.  I was OK throughout the race.

I think I am in a very good condition now, ie. feel no pain even running at this pace.  If I can keep to this performance and with my training plan until the APBIM, I think I can run my best HM this year.

1.  1 cup of Yogult with 75 kcal each 2 hours before the race.
2.  2 glasses of water 2 hours before the race with 500 ml of water mixed with 100+ carried with me until the race started.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

2015 APBIM HM Training Journal (11 wk to go)

The HM race is getting closer with just 11 weeks to go.

I was taking this recovering week pretty OK by just sticking to my plan.  However, I went up to Air Itam Dam for my weekend long run, which is tougher than normal long run that I did recently.

I did a 4 loop run at the Dam with the pace of 6:12 mins/km.  When I checked back my record, this is actually my fastest pace at this distance.  And, the last time I ran at this distance was close to 3 years back in Dec 2012!  This results give me confidence that my training plan is on the right track!

All I need to do now is to stick to my training plan and avoid any injury.  However, due to my last week's decision to run 10km in the morning and still joined 8km race, which I was not able to run at slower pace, I kind of develop a muscular type of shin splint.  I felt the pain when I run fast (not in easy run pace).  So, for the next few weeks, I will have to keep an eye on this by keeping my pace slow to avoid worsening of the issue.

Keeping my fingers cross, hopefully I can stick to my training plan and run my best HM at the end of the year.