
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

New Chaprter

After started running consistently for probably 3.5 years, I finally managed to log > 80km/month, ie. more than 20km/week, continuously for the last 5 months.  While I have to stop or slow down my progress due to injury (and surgery) last year, this kind of mileage is considered a big achievement.  The drawback is, my training pace is a lot slower (10%) than when I initially started.  This is mainly due to the fact that I am more careful after the 1st injury that I have back in 2012.  Since then, I have been paying attention to my running form, stay slow, and carefully increasing my mileage.

I kind of decided that this is my target for now while I will be working to improve my speed slowly from now onwards.  From what I read so far, tempo run and interval run are what I need to include in my training routine.  I just need to figure out how to put in.

Inspired by these 2 videos regarding marathon training (Part 1, Part 2), as a new chapter in my running life, I have decided to try out barefoot running.  As mentioned in the videos, I will only do that for my training on the familiar route, ie. running track.  I just started with 400m last weekend and the feel is totally different.  I can really feel the hardness of the track on every step of my run.  I plan to keep to that distance until I am very comfortable with the distance and pace, before I add in a little bit more.  No timeline, no target for this barefoot training and I just hope to have a stronger feet as time goes by.