
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tanjung 10km Run 2013

It is a bit surprise that I can complete this run with less than 1 hour.  I was targeting to finish the race between 70 to 80 minutes.  This target is based on my recent pace at training.  Thus, I was a bit surprise with the results.

As I have been running for 10km or slightly more these few weeks, I have no doubt that I can complete the race with no trouble.  For this time, I planned my toilet time correctly, ie. to queue up for the toilet about 30 minutes before the start.  So, I was pretty much ready at the starting line 5 minutes before the race.

I was targeting to start with the pace between 7min/km or 8min/km and picked up the pace after 3km or so.  I started off with slightly faster than I wanted to be.  I guess it was due to less participants that I was just following the crowd (I didn't want to be left too much behind).  I wanted slow down after initial run but I didn't eventually.  Since I was still able to keep up with the pace without much problem, I just continued with the pace ~6min/km.  With this slightly faster pace, I was then planned to run faster after 5km.

At around 5km, after the only drink station, I ran slightly faster.  I was tired hard but I keep to my pace as much as I can.  Struggling slightly as I move further.  However, I knew I could finish the run with this pace.  I didn't really able to enjoy the run at this stage but still be able to run at steady pace.

As I still have around 2km to go, I was kind of challenged by a few runners.  I thought I was running at constant pace but these three runners picked up their pace after I passed them.  We by-passing each other several times until the finish line.  This friendly competition forced me to really pick up my pace.  I can feel that my breathing was fast.  I have been able keep 2-3 kind of breathing throughout the run until now.  For this last 2km, I was using 2-2 breathing tempo.

I really feel like racing this time when I crossed the finish line.  For all the previous runs (except the half marathon), I should be able to continue running for 1km with the same pace after crossing the finish line.  But for this, I really felt thankful that the race is over.

That's how I achieved this 10k run with ~57minutes.  A fulfilling but tiring race after all.

Monday, August 5, 2013

A fulfilling month

This is a very fulfilling month for me in terms of running.  My mileage has been increasing steadily and most importantly, without injury (touch wood!).  I managed to log 55km last month although I ran for 89km last year time time.  Hopefully, I can continue to this trend without much issue until end of the year...